Custom Painting Info and Pricing


The lead time year-round is between 8 to 9 months before a custom painting is completed.


The process:

All custom paintings are created on canvas, also note that you may choose to create any color pallet you wish, interchanging background colors, subject colors, or both.

Initially, a down payment of half of the full amount is processed, this includes half of the shipping. The deposit holds your position in the order to be completed. After receiving photos of your dog via email and at the same time, communicating what colors and style you wish to have, a "full color" preliminary sketch is painted and sent back to you via email for your approval. At that time you may make any changes within the design that you prefer or review it with different background colors of your choice. Upon your approval of the preliminary design, the other half of payment is due, it is then painted to canvas and shipped within the time frame agreement.


All original custom paintings are created with oil paint and automotive metal flake (resulting in a brilliant sparkling effect), using a variety of metal flake colors, it is applied to various color shapes within the subject as well as the entire background of the canvas and finished in a high gloss resin top coating. White metal flake background is most favorable although, there are a variety of other background metal flake colors to choose from (as seen in the collection).


Additional dogs or subject matter - add $500 per dog/subject.


Custom Paintings in Metallic Flake:

16x20 gallery wrapped canvas: $3,000

24x30 gallery wrapped canvas:  $5,000

36x46 gallery wrapped canvas:  $8,000

For Custom Paintings Without Metallic Flake Deduct $1,000 per size.

Custom sizes are available over 36x46


You may place your order by emailing us at -


Thank You for visiting with us,

Wishing You a Wonderful Day!


Michael Vistia


Metallic Flake Canvas Examples

Note: The video below does not fully show the depth of the automotive metal flake as the colors and sparkle do not entirely translate through photos or video, the effect is washed out by approximately 50% through the camera eye. It must be viewed in person to capture the full effect of this application. This understanding and a bit of imagination is helpful when viewing the video.

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